New Mom’s Group!!!!

I am excited to announce that Cathy Carr, has announced her upcoming mom’s group. If you are looking for a new mom’s group, please talk to her. Here is the information:


WHEN:  Tuesdays, 10am-12pm
               6 week series, begins Feb 12th

WHERE: Musically Minded Academy in Rockridge
                5776 Broadway  Oakland, CA 94618
               *If street parking is not available, you can use the church parking lot next door

WHY:  To meet other moms (and their babies) and to gain support through this major life transition

TOPICS COVERED:  Transition to motherhood, sleep and feeding challenges/tips, early infant development, new family dynamics, postpartum health and whatever is on your mind as a mom!

COST:  $190.00

CONTACT:  Please email or call Cathy Carr with any questions or to register
(510) 496-2725
Pre-registration is required