New Mama/Baby Hiking Group Starting

Oh Baby Let’s Hike with Jessica Damon from Wingspan Movement and Wellness
Mondays 11:30am-1pm

Wear your sweet progeny for an invigorating, centering hike in the beautiful hills of Oakland and Berkeley. This class meets at various locations in the East Bay hills. We’ll congregate in the staging area, lay out some blankets for the babes as we do a 15 minute warm-up (to allow for latecomers), then strap those beans on for an hour long hike that incorporates stretching, strengthening, and postural exercises along the way. Hikes will be followed by an optional picnic lunch. Bring a baby carrier of your choice (two shoulder straps preferred), good shoes with tread, a hat and sunscreen for you and your babe, and lunch if you so desire. Call or email Jessica for this week’s location – 415.418.8357 or!Group%20Classes/c1jxp