Looking for a little help?

Simona Fino may be that support person you need in the SF Bay Area.

Here is what she says she can offer,

Direct support includes:

  • Caring for Baby: Cooking for and feeding baby; practicing infant potty training; bathing/nail care; providing age appropriate games/songs; cooking/exploring the kitchen; nature walks/garden time
  • Household Support: Housekeeping including dishes, laundry, sweeping, and tidying up
  • Wholesome meal preparation for baby and family
  • Herbal Preparations for baby and family to support and help with things such as teething, colds/flu, earaches/infections, nightmares/sleep disturbances, and stress
  • Organic gardening: Help with planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting; I can help you get that veggie/herb patch going you always wanted!”

More information on her website.

This needs our attention, now!

Please go to this link at the Pesticide Action Network and ask California  below and help urge “California’s leaders to get kid-harming pesticides off the table. The science is very clear: children’s developing brains and nervous systems can be harmed by exposure to certain pesticides — even at the very low levels commonly found on food. The insecticide chlorpyrifos is one such chemical, and its use is now under review in California.

Please add your name to the petition below urging the Department of Pesticide Regulation to take swift action on chlorpyrifos to protect children in California and nationwide” (taken from the PAN website).

It only takes a minute and could improve our children’s lives greatly!



Elimination Communication classes

Introduction to Infant Potty Training / Elimination Communication
Saturdays, 10am – Noon in El Cerrito – February 15, March 15, and April 26
$35 per family – Babies and caregivers welcome!

Infant Potty Training / Elimination Communication (EC) is an easy, gentle, non-coercive way of teaching infants to eliminate (pee/poop) in a potty instead of a diaper. The concept is not a new one. It is currently practiced in many countries around the world and has been for hundreds of years. In fact, 50% of the world’s babies are potty trained by 1 year of age! (The average in the USA is 3 or 4!)

This introductory class will give you a clear understanding of how EC works and the tools to practice it with your baby comfortably and in a non-stressful way. EC can be practiced occasionally, part-time, or full-time. It is not an “all or nothing” practice. It can also be done whether you use cloth or disposable diapers and if you have other caregivers. Sign up today to learn how!

Simona BIO

By encouraging a “keep it simple” approach with attention to personal intuition I empower parents to birth and parent their children in a way that works for each unique family.

I have been an Infant Potty Training / Elimination Communication Educator since starting the practice with my own daughter in 2007 and am a Bay Area Diaper Free Baby Mentor.

I became a Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula in 2008 with Cornerstone Doula Trainings just after the birth of my daughter (now 6) and have since been providing doula services throughout the Bay Area. I have continued to augment my initial certification with classes and workshops on a variety of topics including breast feeding, herbal support during pregnancy and postpartum, homeopathy, and massage. I also provide Holistic Baby & Family care beyond Postpartum.
To register:


Prenatal class at Seesaw SF

play LAB prenatal at Seesaw SF


play LAB prenatal

Play LAB prenatal is a 6-week support circle for Mamas-to-be designed for you to learn from and share with others about the joys, challenges, frustrations, and wonders of becoming a new parent.

• Learn simple mindfulness and relaxation practices.

• Identify hopes and intentions for yourself as you welcome your new baby.

• Explore and connect with your internal birthing and parenting resources.

Led by: Meghan Lewis, Ph.D. www.meghanlewisphd.com

$180 per 6 class series. Pre-registration is required for play LAB prenatal. The group series will start when 4 mamas are enrolled.

Wednesdays 10:30–11:30am   600 Octavia Street, SF, CA 94102


Baby Dance Party!

Tired of listening to baby music?  I’ve raided my children’s CD collection to bring you a list of our favorites.  Music that even the adults will want to sing along too!

Be sure to catch some of the local groups in live shows (keep an eye out on Berkeley Parents Network for upcoming shows), check out your local library to borrow CD’s or tune into Pandora for kids music.

Our Favorite Local Bay Area Artists:

Asheba  http://www.asheba.net/

The Sippy Cups  http://www.thesippycups.com

Francis England http://francesengland.com/

Banana Slug String Band (ok, santa cruz) http://www.bananaslugstringband.com/

Others We Adore At Our House:

Laurie Berkner  http://twotomatoes.com

They Might Be Giants  http://www.theymightbegiants.com/

Trout Fishing In America  http://www.troutmusic.com/

Tom Chapin  http://www.tomchapin.com/

Jose-Luis Orozco (spanish)  http://www.joseluisorozco.com/

Alain Le Lait (french)  http://www.yadeeda.com

For The Kids
Mother Goose Rocks
Lullaby, A Collection
The Planet Sleeps
Mother Earth Lullaby
Putumayo Kids (large selection)

Broadway shows, classical, drumming, jazz, rock, etc.

Local Bay Area Places To See Kids Music and Family Dance:  All of these offer kids concerts sometime during the year.

Ashkenaz (for music and Sunday mid day Soul Sanctuary all ages dance)  http://www.ashkenaz.com/

Ecstatic Dance Sunday mornings in Oakland is family friendly! There are ear plugs available at the venue, or bring headphones. It really depends on who is DJ-ing.

Children are under 16 are free with an adult on Sunday mornings. Ear protection is suggested on the dance floor for small children. Complimentary earplugs are available, or it might be a good idea to get some headphones. – See more at: http://ecstaticdance.com/new-to-ecstatic-dance/#sthash.EiUUnAsi.dpuf


Starry Plough  http://www.starryploughpub.com

La Pena  http://www.lapena.org/

Freight and Salvage  http://www.freightandsalvage.org

The Park Chalet at Ocean Beach, SF during the summer months.