Prenatal Yoga with Alison Faison in SF

I met with the lovely Alison Faison today to hear about her prenatal yoga class in San Francisco.  Here is the info about her class at Sanchez Street Yoga Studio and stay tuned for the other wonderful offerings she’ll be planning later this year!

Mondays 9:30 – 11 a.m.

Sanchez Street Studios

1589 Sanchez Street, SF, 415-648-4911

$20 drop in, $90 5-class pass, $160 10-class pass

Alison Faison, a mother of two, teaches a prenatal class by incorporating movement, breath and community to connect mothers to themselves, their babies, and other mothers.  She practiced and taught prenatal yoga throughout both of her pregnancies, so she understands postures and breathing methods that nurture changing bodies and mind-states, as well as prepare for labor and birth.  She has taught Hatha and Yinyasa yoga at San Francisco yoga studios, preschools, high schools and retreats for over 10 years.

Contact and read more about Alison at


Music For All Ages

Tired of listening to baby music?  I’ve raided my children’s CD collection to bring you a list of our favorites.  Music that even the adults will want to sing along too!

Be sure to catch some of the local groups in live shows, check out your local library to borrow CD’s or tune into Pandora for kids music.

Our Favorite Local Bay Area Artists:


The Sippy Cups

Francis England

Banana Slug String Band (ok, santa cruz)

Others We Adore At Our House:

Laurie Berkner
They Might Be Giants
Trout Fishing In America
Jose-Luis Orozco (spanish)
Alain Le Lait (french)

For The Kids
Mother Goose Rocks
Lullaby, A Collection
The Planet Sleeps
Mother Earth Lullaby
Putumayo Kids (large selection)

Broadway shows, classical, drumming, jazz, rock, etc.

Local Bay Area Places To See Kids Music and Family Dance:  All of these offer kids concerts sometime during the year.

Ashkenaz (for music and Sunday mid day Soul Sanctuary all ages dance)

Starry Plough

La Pena

Freight and Salvage

The Park Chalet at Ocean Beach, SF

New songs to sing

These are songs that we sang today that are not on your handouts.


Willaby Wallaby Woo

By Raffi

Willaby Wallaby Woo

An elephant sat on you.

Willaby Wallaby We

And elephant sat on me.

Willaby Wallaby Wim

An elephant sat on Kim…etc.


10 Little Fingers:

I have ten little fingers

And they all belong to me,

I can make them do things-

Would you like to see?

I can shut them up tight

I can open them wide

I can put them together

Or make them all hide.

I can make them jump high

I can make them go low

I can fold them up quietly

And hold them just so.

During the rhyme think of things you can do with your hands to match the actions.  Make sure your hands are where baby can see them well and you’ll have a captive audience.

My Baby Is Here! Now What Do I Do?

By Kim Lyons (me)

Now that your baby has arrived, what do you do to entertain and play with her? Forget about the advertisements plastering the parenting magazines or the aisles full of toys at the big warehouse shops; what I’m referring to doesn’t require anything more than being present and using items you find around your house or in the local park. Let’s call it back to basics: non-stressful ways to spend time with your baby. 

This may mean changing modes, moving at a slower pace. For example, take your time getting out of bed, explore with massage, sing a lullaby, stare into baby’s eyes, and take those moments to be together. Give yourself permission to have a pajama day from time to time. Since babies can pick up on emotions such as stress and anger as early as 6 months, teach them how to take care of themselves by taking care of you. Find ways to create quiet periods throughout the day. The email, laundry, and dishes can wait.

As you lay in bed together, gently massage your baby’s toes one by one; use the opportunity to burst into “This Little Piggy” or begin introducing numbers by counting them. Not only does massaging his toes provide an opportunity for play and early number introduction, stimulating this area of the body boosts the immune system warding off colds and flu viruses. Other prime times to offer a gentle massage are during diaper changes and after baths. Administering long, slow strokes from head to toe is calming and relaxing not only for baby, but for you as well. If you want to dive deeper into massage, attend an infant massage class or check the library for books or DVDs on how to massage your baby.

How might you make use of other times together, such as when you are standing in a long grocery line? Start to move together by swaying back and forth; bend your knees and move up and down, turn around if there is room, and sing about your movement while you dance. No matter how small the movement, it will improve both of your attitudes about being stuck in line. Imagine the smiles from people around you as they vicariously release their own unspoken frustration. You can explore these dance moves with music while at home. Play a variety of music (classical, jazz, drumming, rock, etc.) and find a rhythm as you partner with your baby to tango, salsa or slow dance around your home. See what appeals to you and your baby.

You can also tone down the moves and introduce gentle passive movements, also known as baby yoga. Leg movements, where you move baby’s legs like they are riding on a bicycle, can offer gas and constipation relief. Simply hold her legs on the lower leg/calf and rotate them gently in a circular motion. Remember: If you meet with resistance, stop. Never force the baby to do any movements they are not ready for. You can clap baby’s hands at mid-line while singing “Patty Cake”, then take his arms out to the sides or up over her head for an easy stretch. Describe how you are opening and closing or moving up and down. See how many ways you can engage your baby’s hands and feet. You can gently clap them, roll them, tap them, push them, shake them, etc.

Many of us are very self-conscious about singing in our society, but babies don’t care what your voice sounds like. You can make up songs about anything such as: leaving the swings or washing your hands for lunch. Sing in a whisper, a big voice, or somewhere in between. Clap your baby’s hands together or offer him a wooden spoon to drum along. Try to remember old favorites from your childhood, check out the library or check out Internet resources for a new repertoire. For example, has an array of tunes sung by all types of people.

Finally, gather things from around the house or outdoors to play with. Look for items that will fit into one or more of the senses: touch, taste, sound, smell and sight. Remember you can explore items safely together, for example, sand at the park or beach may be a tempting thing to put in her mouth, but what about just sitting baby on your lap, scooping a fistful of sand and pouring it over her legs or toes. Or how about standing your baby up so just his feet are standing on the sand all the while describing the experience? You might say one or all of the following based on what is going on: “the sand feels warm because of the sun,” “the sand may tickle as it runs through your toes,” and/or “does the sand feel rough against your skin?” You are beginning to introduce descriptors that the baby uses as it learns to categorize while experimenting with all the different textures.

In addition, explore with more than just the hands and feet. Rub the silky scarf on her cheek or roll the smooth rock down his forearm. Take time to engage in play together and other times sit back and watch as your little scientist performs experiments with the toys you offer.

Often grandmothers like to say, “All we had were pots and pans to play with and we turned out just fine!” I find this to be more and more true as I watch my 6 year old find 101 things to do with a toilet paper roll. Sometimes, it’s about adjusting our own perceptions and merely looking around with new eyes. Babies do get tired of playing with the same items though, so change things around by rotating items every week or two.

Keep things simple, it’s more about the quality than the quantity that you give your baby. Our time with our babies passes by far too quickly. What better gift is it to slow down and be less absorbed by the latest gadget and explore what is right in front of you.

If you’d like more creative ways to play with your baby, join me in a Tum e Time class (

Elimination Communication

Ever wonder what it means to use elimination communication or EC with your baby?  Andrea Olson, mom and author (and tum e time class graduate) has made it easy with her new book EC Simplified.

These are her thoughts on what EC means:

“There are many different definitions of the phrase, but below is my summary version:

a gentle, non-coercive way to respond to
a baby’s natural elimination needs, from birth,
which enables her to follow her instincts to not
soil herself, her caretaker, or her sleep space

In other words, babies are born ready. We just need to tune into what they’re born asking for, provide it, stay in good communication, and roll with the evolution until our babies are totally potty independent. (Kinda like with eating and sleeping.)”

If you are researching or already EC-ing, Andrea’s website can offer you an array of support and information.