In Response to the Latest DSM 5 and CDC Report

I, like the author of this blog post, have many issues with the focus placed on treating childhood mental health when there is so much that we could be doing to prevent these disorders if we only prioritize families.

The research is quite clear that 0 to 3 years of age are our formative years, the foundation for our entire life. We have to start treating early childhood development with the respect and honor it deserves. We have to educate, nurture and support families during pregnancy and as their children grow, taking responsibility as a society to look out for children and lend a helping hand when able. We have to demand employers give parents longer parental leave (with pay and job security) to bond with their babies, give parents ‘permission’ to put their children before their careers and flexibility in the work place. We need employers all the way up to the President to understand that our family comes first!

I feel this is our responsibility to our children and future generations.

“To CDC on children’s mental health: consider office of homeland attachment security

Posted by Claudia M Gold  May 16, 2013 10:04 PM

Change is in the air for children’s mental health care. The latest CDC (Center for Disease Control) special supplement to the MMWR (morbidity and mortality weekly report) is titled Mental Health Surveilance Among Children-United States 2005-2011. The report overview states:

Approximately $247 billion is spent each year on children’s mental health.  The mental health of children is critical to their overall health as children and as they grow into adults.

The report summary concludes:

More comprehensive surveillance is needed to develop a public health approach that will both help prevent mental disorders and promote mental health among children.

This report coincides with both the release of DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) 5, and a statement by the director of the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) that research funding would not be guided by DSM diagnoses, and that a new paradigm of mental health care is needed.

The time has come to recognize the overwhelming evidence regarding the importance of early relationships in healthy emotional development. The answer to the problem posed in the CDC report is in: invest in early childhood -from newborn to three- to prevent mental health disorders and promote mental health.

A huge part of this evidence comes from the CDC itself, with the ACES study, showing long-term negative impact on both physical and emotional health of a range of adverse childhood experiences.  An abundance of research coming from the discipline of infant mental health provides a more nuanced view of this issue.

 When parents are supported and valued by society, they are able to be fully present with their children, in turn helping to grow healthy brains. Children who grow up in an attuned caregiving environment are flexible, resilient, and empathic.  In contrast, when children experience toxic stress, or stress in the absence of a safe, secure caregiving relationship, the parts of their brains responsible for emotional regulation do not develop normally. What results are symptoms that are then labeled “mental illness.”
I heard this phrase “office of homeland security of attachment” from Gerard Costa, director of the Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health at Montclair State University. I was speaking at the 2nd annual Todd Ouida Children’s Foundation Conference with the wonderful title: The Magic in Moments: Patterns of Early Relationships that Create Resilient Individuals and Peaceful Societies. While the phrase is meant to be humorous, the idea behind it is very serious.
Our country is seriously lagging behind other countries in the care and attention we give to young children and their parents, with potentially devastating effects. A special government organization to take on this task would address this problem with the attention it deserves. This does not mean that the government has a role in parenting, which is a private, individual experience. Rather, such an organization could address such things as:

– parental leave policy
– comprehensive screening and treatment for perinatal emotional complications including depression and anxiety
– education of a workforce trained in working with young children and families
–  high quality child care, including supervision for child care workers
Attending to early caregiving relationships will move us toward the goal of creating peaceful societies. Given that $247 billion is spent a year on children’s mental health, focusing on early childhood is not only the right thing to do, it is also a worthwhile investment.


Originally published on the blog Child in Mind.”

East Bay Dads Group forming

I am always searching for more ways to support the dads out there. If you come across any new groups, classes, etc. please let me know so I can post it. If you search under Dads on my blog, you will also find more resources.

Here is a new East Bay Dad’s group that is being coordinated by Tim Clarke.

“Hi All,

While some of you may know me, most do not. My name is Tim Clarke and I
left the workplace in July of 2012 to be a full-time stay-at-home dad since
July 2012. I have 2 boys ages 3 1/2 and 1. I know that there are more of
you out there, and thought it might be sort of an interesting experiment to
see if others would be interested in seeing how “the other half lives.” I
just read a funny email that said there was a dad out there who feels that
his wife can’t leave the house without tripping over a mom’s group, but
there are no groups for dads. Interestingly, I had to try several
iterations of the Group Name before I found one that wasn’t already in use
by Google, so somebody out there is doing something.

This group is being created to support potential interest for dads living in
and around the East Bay for discussion, advice, meetups, and general overall
guy parenting stuff ;). While the immediate goal is to serve stay at home
dads, it is by no means intended to exclude any dads in the East Bay
interested in joining the conversation.

Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, and let’s see what happens!

Here is the email address for the group:

And here is the URL

I’ll also include a tiny URL for the owner contact (me) – please let me know
if you or someone you know would like an invite sent.


Supporting Working Moms Act Introduced!

This email came in today from the US Breastfeeding Council. Please take action if you can:

On Monday, the Supporting Working Moms Act of 2013 (SWMA) was introduced in both houses of Congress! SWMA would protect and expand working moms’ right to breastfeed by extending the existing federal law to ensure that an additional 11.5 million executive, administrative, and professional employees, including elementary and secondary school teachers, have break time and a private place to pump in the workplace.

A sincere thank you to co-sponsors Senator Jeff Merkley (OR), Senator Tom Harkin (IA), Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA), and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (NY) for championing this important bill! To let them know just how much we appreciate their efforts, we’d like to flood the Twittersphere with messages. Show your support by joining the conversation at hashtag #SWMA13 or simply copy and paste the sample tweets below.

Sample Tweets:


  • Breaking News! The Supporting Working Moms Act has been introduced in the Senate and House:
  • Thanks to @SenJeffMerkley, @RepMaloney, @SenatorHarkin, and @SenWarren for leading the charge in support of #SWMA13 and #WorkingMoms
  • Because teachers shouldn’t have to choose between #breastfeeding and their students, I support #SWMA13:
  • The Supporting Working Moms Act is good for families, business, and the economy. Where do your legislators stand? #SWMA13
  • The Supporting Working Moms Act would make #breastfeeding possible for an additional 11.5 million #WorkingMoms #SWMA13
  • 60% don’t reach their own #breastfeeding goal, but laws that guarantee #BFing breaks at work can change it #SWMA13


Healthy Baby Food in SF

Want baby food that is sourced from local, organic food? Than you must know about Vanessa Silva’s new business.

Here is what she has to say about her new homemade organic baby food venture, “My idea behind creating these soups is that not every mother has the time luxury to prepare fresh foods for their babies, and I do not believe that industrialized, pasteurized, homogenized soups should be the answer to that.  By creating handmade, one of a kind, seasonal soups I am trying expose their developing palates to the joy of live food and to support their health with the best food I can possibly create.”

The rest of the interview is here:

or go directly to her website for information and to order:

Mothers Day Special on Monday too!

Mothers day has been extended thanks to Alison Faison. Look at the class she is offering in San Francisco on Monday plus other discounts for privates and groups.

Happy Mothers Day!


Mom and baby

Mother’s Day Specials
       We are celebrating all mothers, caregivers, and partners who are nurturing and guiding their babies and toddlers along a healthy life path.
Save now on yoga support for mothers
   Monday Mother’s Day Postnatal Yoga Class

  Join other moms and babies for our mother’s day class on Monday, May 13th at Sanchez Street Studios from 11am-12:15pm.  We will set the tone of the class with some restorative postures for mom, infant massage for baby and some easy ways to connect with other moms.

Special Drop in Price: $15.00
Regular Drop in Price: $20.00
Sanchez Street Studios
1587 Sanchez St  San Francisco, CA 94131
Caregivers and partners welcome!
 Enjoy some mom time with a private yoga session 
Connect with some rest, quiet time, or energizing yoga. You choose. Private yoga sessions can take place in your home or at Sanchez Street Studios. Do yoga while your baby(ies) is (are) with you or with another caregiver.
Special Session Price: $65.00
Regular Session Price: $85.00
Call or email to schedule.
 Set up a yoga playdate for your mom friends and their babies/toddlers 
Spice up playdates with some music and yoga for moms and babies. Alison incorporates children’s songs with yoga movements.
1 hour playtime for a group of 10 moms: $165
 Print this email to redeem your Monday Mother’s Day class discount. I welcome any suggestions about ways to create community with Noe Valley moms. How about a mom and baby dance class?

Alison Faison

pre and postnatal yoga instructor


Save 25%
Share this coupon for Monday, May 13th Mother’s Day Postnatal Yoga Class with your friends and family. Please print coupon for discount.
Offer Expires: May 13th, 2013