Tired of listening to baby music? I’ve raided my children’s CD collection to bring you a list of our favorites. Music that even the adults will want to sing along too!
Be sure to catch some of the local groups in live shows, check out your local library to borrow CD’s or tune into Pandora for kids music.
Our Favorite Local Bay Area Artists:
Asheba http://www.asheba.net/
The Sippy Cups http://www.thesippycups.com
Francis England http://francesengland.com/
Banana Slug String Band (ok, santa cruz) http://www.
For The Kids
Mother Goose Rocks
Lullaby, A Collection
The Planet Sleeps
Mother Earth Lullaby
Putumayo Kids (large selection)
Broadway shows, classical, drumming, jazz, rock, etc.
Local Bay Area Places To See Kids Music and Family Dance: All of these offer kids concerts sometime during the year.
Ashkenaz (for music and Sunday mid day Soul Sanctuary all ages dance) http://www.ashkenaz.com/
Starry Plough http://www.starryploughpub.com
La Pena http://www.lapena.org/
Freight and Salvage http://www.freightandsalvage.
The Park Chalet at Ocean Beach, SF