Babilates and Hiking News from Wingspan Movement and Wellness

Babilates is back, beginning the Tuesday after Labor Day! (Please note the new class time.) Come join us with your pre-walker for some stretching, strengthening, and centering. Give yourself the gift of some focused mama time – you’ve been through a lot and you deserve it! This class is designed to rebuild muscles weakened from pregnancy, birth, and mothering, to connect with other mamas, and to simply help you feel better in your body. No experience necessary.

Tuesdays 4-5:15pm (Starting September 4, 2012)
Drop-in class $15
5-class package $60
Cash or check, please.
RSVP to Jessica at 415.418.8357 (call or text)
And, we have a new Oh Baby Let’s Hike format. Joining me in facilitating our weekly hikes are Isabelle Boesch and sweet Grace. (See below for a bio.) Isabelle brings her passion and experience as a yoga teacher and teacher of kids to our hiking classes. So here’s what you can expect:
Hikes will meet weekly at varying locations around the East Bay. We’ll converge for warm-up and introductions, then head off along the trail for some breathtaking scenery, mama-rific conversation, and mind-body centered strength and flexibility exercises. We’ll be incorporating concepts from Pilates, Yoga, and dance during our walking breaks, and addressing your concerns as a new mama and the quietly back-breaking labor of loving your baby well.
We will send out a monthly schedule for the hikes at the beginning of the month. As always, please RSVP so we know who to expect (or wait for!) on each day’s hike. Here are the details:
Oh Baby Let’s Hike
Mondays 9-10:30am
Varying locations
First hike FREE
5-hike package $40
Cash or check, please.
RSVP to Jessica at 415.418.8357 (call or text)

For more information go to their website:

Calling all little ones 1 to 5 years old!

Creative Music Class 1-5 years old

Children will have an opportunity to participate in every aspect of creating music including singing, movement, dancing, playing instruments and musical story creation on the piano.

Cost is $120 for 8 week session. Starts 9/11/12

Tues, Thurs, Sat 10:00am and 11:15am

at Beth’s home in Albany

Taught by Beth Rago (

Look at these treasure basket pictures!

I hope this inspires you to build your own treasure basket.  Look how these cuties dive into their tactile play.

Thanks to all the families for keeping me posted on their fun.

Thank you letter from a tet ‘graduate’.


When people ask me what my class is about, I could list all the fun activities I offer, but more than that, I want families to understand the simplicity of the overall message.  This recent letter from a tum e time ‘graduate’ is exactly what I hope for, to tap into what families already know is there.  A natural parenting instinct.

“Dear Kim,

I really loved your class and have shared not only the massage techniques but the inspiring stories you shared with us. You have really shaped and changed my outlook on parenting, but also brought it in tune with what feels natural to me. Playing with all those wooden toys really brought back memories of my own creative childhood and how much fun I had with the most simple toys and objects…”