If you haven’t heard, there are amazing things happening on Grand Ave. in Oakland. A new center dedicated to supporting families through pregnancy, birth and early childhood development. You MUST see the offerings!
Grand opening details:
“Hello everyone!
We’re taking off the training wheels! We’ve been working hard to create a center for pregnancy, breastfeeding support, and early parenting that fulfills our mission: Supporting Strong Families, Empowering Parents, and Fostering Community Connections. It’s been an excellent soft launch and we’ve learned so much.
Now it’s time to celebrate at our GRAND OPENING PARTY — Saturday, January 31st, 11am – 2pm (please click to RSVP). Come check out our beautiful center and offerings, stay for the FREE mini-massage sessions (first come / first serve), to get silly in the photo booth, or to have your little one create craft masterpieces. There will be snacks, drinks, and maybe even a little bubbly! The first 20 visitors will get FREE tickets to Boobie-Palooza where you’ll have the chance to see Dr. Bob Sears, Dr. Jay Gordon and other experts.
Also, my sincere thanks for the outpouring of support — it’s a testament to how much a pregnancy and early parenting “hub” in the Oakland community has been wanted and needed. In the words of one client this week: “As a first-time mom, I had been looking for resources that were aligned with my approach to pregnancy and birth: realistic, honest, not too intense/type A, and that gray space between ‘hippie dippie’ and ‘I believe everything my hospital tells me.’ There is so much information and misinformation out there and having one local, central resource was surprisingly missing from the East Bay.”
Our team will be working hard to support families in down-to-earth, realistic, and evidence-based ways.
Tell new and expectant families about us and we hope to see you there!
Sabrina Freidenfelds, MPH, IBCLC
Founder & Director, Then Comes Baby
510.817.BABY (2229)