Support Group for Parents

Gina Hassan, Ph.D. provides psychotherapy & support for individuals and couples in Berkeley & San Francisco.  And is now also offering parenting consultations in person and via Skype.

Contact her at 510.644.1097 or

In addition to her New Moms’ Groups here are other groups that Gina offers and are now open for registration in Berkeley:

 2nd-Time Moms Groups: Mindfulness Focused

Similar to the New Moms’ Group – the 2nd-Time Moms’

Group is a combination of meditation/discussion/support group geared towards mothers of babies up to 6 months of age who have one or more older children. These groups meet for 8 weeks and provide an opportunity for moms to talk about the joys and challenges of integrating your newborn into your family and balancing the care needs of your children, yourself, and your partner. We will practice mindfulness skills, build community, and discuss topics relevant to mindful mothering.

Sample topics might include: balancing the needs of two or more children, helping older child in the transition to becoming an older sister/brother, attending to your relationship, and staying “present” in the midst of the chaos, providing scaffolding for the development of a positive sibling relationship, and more.

Mindful Moms Group for Older Babes       

The practice of living meditation is not to run away or disregard the distractions but to use these distractions themselves as our focus to practice mindfulness.   Dr. Thynn Thynn

Mindful parenting is the practice of embodying wholeness, of being fully present with our children at any given moment. In order to connect with our children more deeply, we must honor both our connectedness and separateness. Parenting mindfully is hard work. It requires a kind of discipline that helps free us from our habitual reactivity, and creates the space for us to respond in a more thoughtful and conscious manner. While at times we can feel like our children are a distraction from our spiritual practice, we can also see our children as our spiritual teachers. If we allow our attention to be fully present, with our children, we can dramatically deepen our connection to them and to ourselves.

This group creates a play-space within which mothers can explore the path of mindful mothering through moment-to-moment awareness. Often the little ones in this group are mobile and the balance between being present and giving space is a constant in this group.  Mothers make a 4-week commitment and can renew for as many cycles as desire

Sunday afternoon Mindful Parenting Group

Come and connect with other parents who are interested in Mindfulness. We will sit together in meditation, share ideas and talk about themes relevant to mindful parenting. No prior experience necessary. This group is for parents without there little ones, although parents with newborns are welcome to bring their babies along. Please email for advance registration. $30/Individual $45/couple. No one will be turned away.

To register for any of these classes please call 510.644.1097 or send an email to