You may have seen the articles lately of the rise of plagiocephaly or flat spots in babies. The latest study reports 47% of babies ages 7 to 12 weeks, have a flat spot. Something that can be avoided if its due to positioning or extended time in equipment (not from in utero positioning).
I sat in a training back in 1994 (yes, 19 years ago), just after the back to sleep motto was introduced. The physical therapist presenting said this rise of plagiocephaly would happen and as early interventionists we needed to work with families to promote tummy time, side lying and carrying babies.
So here I am all these years later…still getting the word out about decreasing time in baby equipment, especially car seats, playing on belly early on and getting comfortable baby carriers so babies spend less time pressed up against a flat surface. Implementing these simple changes has proven results…no flat spots.
This article does a wonderful job of reviewing these issues and offering suggestions.