Elimination Communication upcoming classes

Simona Fino is hosting an Elimination Communication / Infant Potty Training class in February. Interested? Here are the details:

Introduction to Infant Potty Training
Saturday, February 7, 10am-12
$45/per family, babies welcome
To register call 510-282-0623


50% of the world’s babies are potty trained by 1 year of age! In this introductory class you will learn what parents around the world have been doing for centuries. Teaching your baby to pee/poop in a potty instead of their diaper is easier than you think! This class will give you the tools to practice pottying your baby easily and without stress.

Learn how and you’ll save money and the environment (it takes 500 years for one disposable to decompose). Babies appreciate not sitting in their own waste and you’ll love not changing so many diapers!