Does your child need early intervention?

While working in early intervention, I always trusted the families. I’d even go as far as saying that 99% of the time, they were the ones who truly knew if something didn’t seem right with language, behavior or other developmental milestones. Parents know their child best.

Talking about the needs of your child isn’t always easy when he isn’t sitting strong like other babies his age or she isn’t talking clearly like her friends. But I’ve seen the benefits that early intervention offers. Even if you aren’t certain about skill levels, ask. Even if you are frightened about a diagnosis, ask. Ask your pediatrician or other early intervention services to help you navigate through the questions and evaluations. The early intervention system is there to provide services for children from birth to 3 years of age. Please seek out these professionals and get your questions answered.

Here is an article entitled: Does Your Child Need Early Intervention? It is an overview of what you can expect from the early intervention system.