Benefits of Baby Carrying

“If it’s true, as the accumulated evidence seems to suggest, that movement and bodily closeness are good for babies, especially in the earliest weeks…we’ve been ingenious and consistent in depriving them of these sensations.”

~ Dr. Benjamin Spock

Here is an article from Pathyways to family wellness I cite in my class regarding baby carrying.  It is a beautiful discussion on development, equipment and holding.  I only wish it had the pictures that accompanied the article in the magazine

For a more local resource regarding babywearing, I have a blog post called Babywearing which highlights the group Babywearing International of the Bay Area.

Summer sunscreen for all!


If you are looking for a sunscreen that is free of paba, parabens, phthalates, synthetic dyes, nano-particles, petroleums, chemicals, propylene glycol, sulfates, paba and gluten….cruelty free…and uses certified organic and natural ingredients, look no further than the Oakland company, TruKid.  And now introducing their TruBaby and TruVillage product lines, so babies, kids and adults can all be pampered and protected!

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has awarded TruKids entire line of natural body care for kids the safety rating of 0-3.  The safest rating of all kids skin care lines.  See their website for more details:

You will be supporting a local mom and company….go to the TruKid website for more information.

*Please note that babies, especially younger than 6 months, should be well covered and out of the sun. Ask your pediatrician about sun exposure and sun screen guidelines for your little ones.

**I am not compensated in any way for this post.**

Do We Really Need It All?

In the past 20 years, the baby gear market has exploded.

This is a pretty funny cartoon from the NY Magazine:  The caption is, “I just worry that we won’t be able to provide the same level of crap that our parents gave us.”

How To Find Out More About Toxins In Children’s Toys or Products?

In my one of my tum e time classes I bring in loads of alternatives to use as toys.  Why?  Unfortunately, many of the children’s toys that are on the market contain toxins that are unhealthy for your little ones and the planet.

The time you want to be most concerned about this is when everything goes into the mouth to be explored. While this is a very important developmental stage, be mindful that what goes in your baby’s mouths gets broken down and digested.  This is the time to have natural products or products that don’t contain toxins.

When researching what to get your child for a birthday present or offering recommendations for family members to purchase for you as a holiday gift, stop by Healthy Stuff (formerly Healthy Toys) first to see how it ranks in terms of safety.

The organization also offers information on everyday products as well for your home, car, pet, etc.

Update the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 sent this email out today.  There is a group ‘educating’ at the Capitol today.  Why should we have to deliver such a message?  Shouldn’t it be our right to assume that what we give our children is non-toxic?  Please be proactive and ask the Senate to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA).

Here is the form letter to send or alter to your Senator.

“Dear Senator,

Today, moms and kids from across the country will be gathering at the U.S. Capitol to deliver one single message:  We know our Senators can be super heroes and protect America’s children & families from toxic chemicals.

I can’t be there in person today, but I’m there in spirit. Please move quickly to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA) by supporting the Safe Chemicals Act.

A growing body of science has documented widespread human exposures to toxic chemicals in everyday products, and has linked those exposures to the rising incidences of a number of serious chronic diseases and disorders, including reduced fertility, learning disabilities, breast and prostate cancer, and certain childhood cancers.

This is unacceptable. The time has come to give the EPA enough authority to require that chemicals be tested for safety before they are put into the products we use every day. Updating the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA) is critical. The current TSCA law is widely acknowledged to be ineffective.

Please take action now to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA) by co-sponsoring the Safe Chemicals Act in order to provide vigorous oversight of chemical use and to ensure all products, including children’s products, are safer. I urge you to support this effort to lead us into a new era of safer chemicals and healthy families.

Thank you for using your superpowers wisely!”