A fathers reflection on the world’s changes…

This article, from The Guardian, is a kind, but sad reminder of what may happen in our child’s lifetime.  What would you write to your child if you had to summarize all that has changed in just a few centuries?

A dad’s letter to his daughter entitled:  Daughter, my generation is squandering your birthright.


Rate of Autism Diagnosis On The Rise

I have worked in early intervention for years. This headline continues to play out in the papers too frequently. Every year the autism rates climb.  Where is the funding for the research? The article quotes 1 in every 54 male is diagnosed on the autistic spectrum? We need to not only raise awareness, but fight for why our children are succumbing to this disease.

In my experience, 99% of the time, it is the parents who have concerns about their child’s development early on. If you see something in your child’s behavior or development, video tape it and show it to your primary care giver. If you are not satisfied, please seek a second opinion. Early intervention is our best treatment, but prevention is what we have to demand.


Power to the Children- An Art Project

This is a project from artist, Yayoi Kusama, that was installed at the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art in December 2011. The rooms began with everything in the room white. Over the course of 2 weeks she gave children colored stickers and invited them to place them anywhere in the rooms. The progression was stunning.