A recent study has shed more light on food allergies.
Category Archives: news articles
New York Times article today
How do children develop empathy? This is the topic of an article in the NYTimes today. Here is the link.
If you’d like to dig deeper into this topic, read (this is the Amazon link)
Born for Love: Why Empathy Is Essential–and Endangered by Bruce D. Perry and Maia Szalavitz
Class Dismissed: A film about learning outside the classroom
People often ask, “What comes after Tum e Time?” “Are there other classes you recommend?” This film answers these types of questions. How do we continue exploring, learning and being with our children?
Please consider donating to this documentary and supporting the process of learning that begins at conception and continues for a lifetime. Here is what the filmmakers have to say and please watch their trailer.
“For the past two years, the Class Dismissed team have been criss-crossing the country talking to families, experts and advocates from all walks of life. We’ve captured some great stories and gathered a lot of valuable information about ways children are learning outside the classroom. And since January, we’ve been documenting a family who pulled their two girls out of one of the highest-rated public schools in the Los Angeles area to embark upon the journey of taking their education into their own hands. Their story has been unfolding beautifully and we can’t wait to share it with you.
With over two years of the filmmaking process behind us, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. With 75% of the filming complete, we are really pleased with how the film is turning out and can’t wait to begin post-production, then get this movie into film festivals and into the hands of families across America.
But to do so, we need your help. We’ve nearly exhausted our personal resources and still have work to do. That’s why we’ve launched a campaign on Kickstarter; to give us that last push to the finish line.
From the beginning, we always wanted Class Dismissed to be a people-powered film, meaning we wanted to get the homeschooling community involved in whatever way they could. The outpouring of support has been tremendous and we could not have accomplished what we have without you. From all corners of the country, you have reached out to us offering skills, personal time, advice, moral support, and financial contributions.
So please visit our Kickstarter page and contribute what you can.
The money raised in this campaign will pay for our final shoots, and post-production equipment and services.
Please share this with friends, family and mere strangers! Thanks so much for your continued support.
Jeremy Stuart, Dustin Woodard and the Class Dismissedteam.
Mama–Motherhood around the world
Explore this Mama Power exhibit on line and check out our own SF focus. Let Mamas everywhere rise to their power!
AAP and circumcision
I typically look to Europe for certain perspectives. In this case, I’m not sure why the research out of Africa has made such an impact when Europeans haven’t routinely circumcised since the 1960’s. Why aren’t we doing research in those countries?