Lack of Play Hurting Child Development

Take a minute to watch this short film. Look at the face of this little boy, Hennock, from Ethiopia. His joy is so contagious!

The film is produced by Plan Australia. P.A. is highlighting the need for children everywhere have time to play, even during disasters their team offers specially developed child zones that allow children to relax, play and process their trauma.

As it says at the end of the film:

“Play: is scientifically proven to help brain development. It promotes: social skills, creativity and speech. Every child has the right to play.”



My Homemade Play book is now available!

I am thrilled to say that Homemade Play: Creative Ways To Be With Your Baby, is now finished! What an accomplishment. All these years of staying up late, scribbling notes, reading and rereading page after page….So much went into this book. I thank everyone who has participated in the process.

coverWhat Homemade Play offers:

~ Creative ways to use things from around the house and neighborhood to engage and have fun with your baby.

~ Over 100 activities for babies 1 month to 1 year old.

~ Helpful photographs to ensure that each activity is carried out effectively and safely.

~ Detailed lists of household and nature sensory objects that you can explore with your baby

~ Tips on how to organize play objects into treasure baskets for easy access and clean up.

~ Testimonials from families who have enjoyed the activities with their own babies.

For more information on the book and to purchase you can go to the website.

For quick and easy activities that you can do with your baby follow me on Facebook:



Let’s Talk About Cognition

Babies are listening to every word you speak and even the words you don’t as they can pick up on your range of emotions by 6 months.

Being aware of cognition and how babies learn is an important part of parenting. Remember to include your baby throughout your day by talking about what you are doing, singing, reading and spending time face-to-face so your baby can pick up your facial cues, see how your mouth moves and hear your words clearly. All these activities help build strong communication and language skills as well as developing and strengthening your relationship, a skill that is the foundation for all relationships to come.

Here is a short article that provides an overview on cognitive development in babies.