Have Questions About Your Baby/Child’s Development?

Have questions about development? I’ve been using this questionnaire since the 90’s. It has gone through revisions and continues to be an effective and easy way of tracking development for birth to 6 years old. I find that some parents want to know more about developmental stages or other parents have questions, especially if they are first timers, about something that just doesn’t seem right with their little one. I’ve found that 99.5% of the time, parent concerns are dead right. As parents you know your child best, so ask questions and get answers. Follow your heart.

The Ages and Stages Questionnaire is one of the best tools for parents. Simple to use, you get feedback regarding your child’s development, play ideas and if needed, discussions on how to follow up on early intervention referrals (because early treatment is best).

Try it out now! Go to this website, click on GET STARTED in the right column.


Learning Empathy

Looking at the list of ways to cultivate empathy in early childhood development that are included in these articles, I am shocked that it doesn’t mention anything about early facial recognition. Another way babies learn empathy is by watching your facial expressions. This is one of the reasons that baby’s are meant to be held in arms, early on, they can focus between 8-15 inches away…the distance of being in your arms and looking at your face.



Don’t Contain Your Baby article

  • Another well written article on why we don’t need all the baby equipment that is being advertised to new parents.

    “Bouncy seat, car seat, carrier, Exersaucer, Jumparoo, swing, Bumbo seat –  there is no end to the “containers” available to buy for a young infant. There is a seat for every occasion and never shall the infant have to be placed on the floor!

    However, contrary to what every major manufacturer wants you to believe, the best place for your infant when he is not sleeping, eating or cuddling with you is on the floor. Playing on the floor on his tummy is of critical importance to the development of many developmental milestones and skills as well as laying the foundation for skills as diverse as reading, riding a bike and writing.

    The most obvious benefit of playing on the floor is the development of strength in the baby’s neck and back muscles. If he doesn’t have to lift his head up against gravity frequently, he will not develop the necessary strength in his head and back to sit unsupported. And, more insidiously, will not develop the strength and endurance in all the muscles that support good posture.

    A baby playing on his tummy also pushes up with his arms. This not only prepares his arms and shoulders for crawling, but develops the foundational strength in shoulders, arms, hands and fingers that will allow the development of fine motor skills such as picking up toys, tying shoes, holding a pencil and writing.

    Visual development is also strongly affected by the position of the head while vision is developing. Holding his head up on his tummy strengthens his neck which in turn supports the eyes and their ability to move and work together. Watching what is going on around him helps the baby to develop both near and far vision.

    We call this “visual organization” which begins while he is on his tummy. “Visual organization” is especially important later on when your baby grows and goes to school. He will need this organization as his eyes switch back and forth from blackboard to desk. As your baby lifts his head while on his tummy and looks to both sides, he will develop the coordination of two eyes together as he follows movement and looks for interesting toys positioned in front of him.

    Tummy or back?

    The “Back to Sleep” campaign has left some parents wary of placing their infant on their tummy during non-sleeping times of the day. The most observable outcome of too much time in a “container” is a flattened head or plagiocephaly. Infants’ heads are very soft and moldable, as the sutures that connect the bones of the skull have not yet fused. Therefore, any sustained pressure on the head will cause a shift of the bones. When this pressure is the same, day after day, the skull will grow in this way.

    Another outcome often seen with young infants from spending too much time in a device is a delay in motor development. Typically babies will start to roll over around 4 months of age and this usually occurs from tummy to back first; back to tummy develops around 5-6 months. Walking typically develops between 10 and 15 months but is not considered outside the normal range until 18 months. If you have concerns or questions about your child’s development the following link provides a developmental checklist: www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/.

    Babies who spend minimal time on their tummies often do not meet this developmental milestone within the typical time frame. Since babies must sleep on their backs, it is even more important that they lay to play on their tummies while awake.

    Make tummy time

    There are lots of reasons these different kinds of infant “furniture-like” items are used. Parents receive them as gifts; through strategic marketing parents are led to believe they need them and that they are good for baby. Parents have busy lives and babies like these fun seats; it helps to keep the baby happy while mom or dad completes household tasks.

    So, despite the temptation to contain your baby, contain yourself. You do not need to buy the newest and brightest “carrier” or “activity center,” a few toys on a clean blanket on the floor is the best tool to facilitate baby’s motor development in infancy. Tummy time and lots of it, is critical for your infant to develop in many areas beyond their motor skills. Of course it is much more fun for both of you if you join him on that blanket!”

    Amy Swagart is a physical therapist for the Ionia ISD’s Early On and Birth to Three Special Education Program.

    found at: http://www.sentinel-standard.com/article/20140704/NEWS/140709625/-1/news/?Start=2