5 Things To Think About When Purchasing A Toy

What do you think about when purchasing toys for your baby? After taking the Tum e Time class and reading my soon-to-be-released, Homemade Play book, I hope families find these types of ideas helpful.

1. Is the toy open ended? Research shows children are more creative when they play with toys that spark their imagination, meaning the object can be played with in a variety of ways.

2. What is the toy made of? Too many of the products are laced with toxins. Check out the website: Healthytoys.org and see if the one you want for your little one is as green as can be. This is especially important if they are in the mouthing stage.

3. Is there a common household object that is just as interesting to play with?

4. Does the toy stimulate the senses? Is there texture, color, patterns, weight, smell…?

5. Is the toy meant to be actively played with or passively played with (looking at lights blinking and listening to sounds)?



Toys For The Holiday

In my Tum e Time series I talk a lot about using things from around the house to play with, so much so that I wrote a book on it (Homemade Play coming soon!). Although the stores are brimming with choices, so are the rooms in your house and the paths in the local parks.

I feel its a requirement around this time to post this article from GeekDad on the Wired website. It speaks to exactly this….enjoy, laugh, and make this holiday a joyful one with just the basics.


Many blessings for the holidays and new year.  May you have many parenting adventures.

Please come out and play in 2014!


I often get feedback from families after class, so I’ve decided to start sharing these kind words.

“I really loved your class and have shared not only the massage techniques but the inspiring stories you shared with us. You have really shaped and changed my outlook on parenting, but also brought it in tune with what feels natural to me.”