Fathers’ Forum Dad’s Group starting June 26th in Berkeley

The focus of the Fathers’ Forum Men’s Group for Fathers of Young Children is to share and explore with a small group of men our hopes, aspirations and challenges of being fathers.

Group limited to 7 men. Meets twice a month on Thursday evenings. Fee is $70 per month.

Call 510-644-0300 for more information and questions. First meeting is $35 to see if you like the group. If you do, I ask for a commitment of 3 months 6 meetings.

Bruce Linton, Founder the Fathers’ Forum

Father’s Forum – A Resource for New & Expectant Fathers http://www.fathersforum.com

Mixing up baby food!

Wondering what to do for first foods or just wanting new recipe ideas for the family? Introducing Virgina Watkins.

UPCOMING CLASSES by Virginia Watkins

1.  Introducing Solids and Raising a Healthy Eater

Cost: $40, Email: virginia@vwnutrition.com to sign up.


Awaken Chiropractic, 3515 Grand Ave., Oakland

Wed., March 19 10:30-12

and at

Birthways,1600 Shattuck Ave, ste 122, Berkeley

Tuesday, March 25, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.


2.  Making Homemade Baby Food

Cost: $45, Email: virginia@vwnutrition.com to sign up.


Awaken Chiropractic, 3515 Grand Ave., Oakland

Wed., April 2 10:30-12

and at

Birthways,1600 Shattuck Ave, ste 122, Berkeley

Tuesday, March 10 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.


Private Classes
I offer private classes on a variety of topics, including one titled, “Feeding Your Preschooler: A Guide to Good Nutrition and Raising a Healthy Eater.” Please contact me if your preschool, co-op or parent group would like to schedule.

For more information about VW Nutrition visit www.vwnutrition.com or email her at virginia@vwnutrition.com


How Does Exposure to Family Problems Affect Brain Development?

The more we know about brain development, the more we can focus on educating families. Much research has been done around severe childhood trauma and brain development, but this research is focused more on “mild to moderate family difficulties.”
