Boise Classes

Boise/Eagle/Meridian – In Person Classes

Come play or schedule your own private group with your mom’s group, birth group, friends… (email me for more information)


~ Tum e Time Part 1 series: (babies ages birth to pre-crawling)

Come explore the wonders of development as you learn movement, massage, baby yoga postures, sign language, songs, developmental stages, sensory and heuristic play all in 4 classes (1 hour each). A 97 page handout packet and song + signing video included.

This class offers a time to connect, relax and laugh with your baby and be in community with other new parents. You will leave each class with a ton of ideas and activities and never again ask, “What should I do with my baby?”.

Many activities to fill the hour, but participation from your baby is never required. Designed for parents and their babies.

~ Fridays, March 21, 28 and April 4, 11, 2025 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Cost: $80/4 week class (parents/baby only)

Location: BoDo Chiropractic, 405 S. 8th St., Ste. 295, Boise




~ Tum e Time Part 2 series (babies 4 months to on the verge of crawling) 

Open to new families or families who have taken Part 1 – if your baby is on the younger end, Part 1 would be a better start!

Babies are developing and practicing new skills every minute: their bodies prepare to roll, sit, scoot, crawl, stand and walk. Little hands want to reach, grab, hold, explore and express needs and wants. And voices babble, imitate and converse with you. We will focus on these developing skills through massage, yoga, sign language, songs, developmental stages and sensory play all in these 4 classes (1 hour each). Handout packet + signing video included.

This class offers a time to connect, relax and laugh with your baby and be in community with other new parents. You will leave each class with a ton of ideas and activities and never ask, “What can I do with my baby?” ever again.


~ Mondays, March 17, 24, 31 and April 7, 2025 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Cost: $80/4 week class (parents/baby only)

Location: BoDo Chiropractic, 405 S. 8th St., Ste. 295, Boise





*If you prefer online Zoom classes, please see the online classes page on this website.*