Going through my stack of developmental papers I’ve collected over the past 25 years. I came across this Baby Bill of Rights put out by the March of Dimes. These words ring true for our babies, regardless of their age.
Talk to me:
Sing, hum, babble, or even read the funnies to me! I don’t know exactly what you are saying, but I need to hear you. And I do know exactly what you mean, even if I may not know words. Like your voice tones mean, “I love you.” OR when yo yell. I hear. “You’re a pest!” Unless you communicate with me, how can I learn? I learn from you.
Hold me:
Everything is so big and new to me. I don’t understand where I am. Or who I am. And I get scared. But when you hold me, I feel better. Your warmth warms me. Your breath and heartbeat make me feel I belong. Belong here. Belong to you.
Answer my cry:
I don’t cry to get you upset. Or to get you mad. I cry because I can’t tell you how I feel any other way. Maybe I’m cold…or wet..or hungry..or scared and lonely. Answer my cries. You’ll soon know what each one means. You won’t spoil me. You’ll help me to be a better baby..and to make you happier too.
Love me:
Like me. Love me just as I am. Don’t expect me to do what I can’t do. Like being toilet-trained. My muscles aren’t ready yet. I know I’m messy. But I’m growing. Overlook my baby weaknesses. You’re the most important person in my world. I can’t make it without you. So get to know me. Have fun with me. And love me…just as I am.