Baby signs book: Signing Smart With Babies and Toddlers

Some families in the Tum e Time classes may want a resource book that is more American Sign Language based (ASL) than baby signs.

This one in particular, is perfect for beginning families as it has much to say about the research and reasons behind signing and how to start.  Although there is a lot of text, it is filled with many stories from families that you may find helpful and situations that sound familiar. There is an illustrated dictionary and another dictionary labeled as the “likely child versions of each sign”.  The authors also offer tons of simple songs with common childhood themes (balls, music, cars, etc.) and cute photos of babies using the signs.

Although I haven’t seen them, the authors have other companion books as well.

Remember to check your local library.

SF Chiropractor Christine Cantwell

Christine is a wonderful resource for new families.  Read more about what she offers or give her a call to talk about your family’s needs.

Dr. Christine Cantwell, DC
557 Waller St
SF, CA 94117
(415) 814 2442
Schedule online!

Pregnancy Chiropractic Care

Dr. Christine Cantwell is a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, and has over 7 years of experience serving pregnant woman. Her technique is incredibly gentle and appropriate during pre-conception, all stages of pregnancy and post-natal. Adjustments are modified for pregnancy and are 100% safe for mom and baby.  We offer natural, drug-free ways to address common pregnancy symptoms such as low back, pubic bone pain, sciatica, nausea, carpal tunnel, shoulder and mid back pain, and difficulty sleeping.

Most importantly, because the pelvic bones are well aligned and moving freely, and women have a deeper connection to their own body, Dr. Cantwell’s pregnant patients consistently experience safer births with greater ease and less complications. We offer Complimentary Pelvic Alignment Check-ups for all pregnant moms, because we want all mothers to be optimally prepared for the experience of birth.

Infant Chiropractic Care

Very gentle adjustments of your infant’s spinal system, lead to greater ease and full expression of your child’s health.

Even the most ‘natural birth’ puts enormous stress on an infant’s cranial bones, upper neck vertebrae, and spinal cord. Trauma and nerve interference in these areas, when unaddressed can create imbalanced movement patterns that can last a life time. Our non-invasive Digital Nerve Scan technology, detects areas of imbalance in an infant’s spinal system. Using very gentle and precise touch, our chiropractic methods release holding patterns in an infant’s spine, allowing for full expression of their birthright of good health.  Many parents who’s children are experiencing difficulty with breastfeeding, colic, elimination, or sleeping find positive results for their child with chiropractic care. Because children are so adaptable and flexible, results are generally seen within a minimum number of sessions.

About Bio Geometric Integration:

To achieve balance and sustainable healing in the body, I use a holistic approach called Bio Geometric Integration (BGI): a combination of light touches and deeper adjustments to release tension patterns that have accumulated over time in the body.  BGI focuses on locating your body’s inherent strengths and reconnecting the whole through breath and subtle movements – building energy and potential for release, rather than focusing only on the “dis-stressed” part.

During pregnancy, the hormonal, emotional, and spiritual changes allow women to tap into the natural rhythms of the body and there is an opportunity to integrate tension patterns from throughout their life, including as far back as their own birth. Truly, there is an opportunity to heal and transform generational patterns and bring healing and completion to the circle of Life.

a connected baby: a film conversation

Until March 1, is offering the film: The Connected Baby free on-line.  While the film is slow and poorly shot, I was mostly interested in the researchers narrative on the interactions  between babies and their parents.  You realize how much is lost in our communication when we are not tuned in.  The film also presents developmental questions that perhaps have been misunderstood.  Are babies movements uncoordinated?  Is newborn babbling really meaningful language?  Are babies more conscious than we think?


the connected baby: a film conversation

What is the connected baby?  “Babies arrive already connected to other people. That’s what a range of sciences is now telling us: that they have brains already tuned in to other people’s body rhythms and vocal tones and movements. It makes them much more communicative and sophisticated than we often realise. In fact, it turns out that their very brain pathways are shaped by the kinds of responses that they receive from other people. “So, to build the kind of society that we all want, we need to pay more attention to the way that we relate to our youngest children. I guess you could say that science is helping us to understand why it is that the way we love our children matters so much.”

Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk

For the first time ever, the connected baby: a film conversation by Suzanne Zeedyk and Jonathan Robertson is available to view online–right here on Please enjoy and share this exclusive airing Feb 28th through Mar 1st. For a copy of the film on DVD please visit Discover more about the film in this blog post by Mothering founder Peggy O’Mara.


Click HERE to watch.


An email from a tum e time family

One of the saddest things about teaching these classes is that I only meet with wonderful families for 4 weeks.  After that, I hope to run into them at the park or on the street to admire how their babies have grown and changed.

Luckily, some families send me stories that make my day.  This recent email made me laugh out loud and is shared with the permission from the family.

“Hi Kim,

We really enjoyed your class!  I’m singing all of your songs and even had the Speckled Frog song in my head from 1-4 a.m. the other night as I had insomnia!

I just had to email you to tell you a story.  On Monday, I was giving **** a massage in the morning and she started to laugh for the first time ever!  Not only did she giggle but she had a full blown laughing attack that lasted a couple minutes.  I hadn’t heard her laugh before that nor has she laughed since. I told my husband I think the massage gave her a euphoric release of emotions, but he thinks she was ‘tickled’–but she hasn’t showed any other signs of being ‘ticklish’.  How cool is that!

Thank you again for your thoughtful ideas!”

Yep, catchy tunes and euphoric babies.  That is what Tum e Time can offer.