sent this email out today. There is a group ‘educating’ at the Capitol today. Why should we have to deliver such a message? Shouldn’t it be our right to assume that what we give our children is non-toxic? Please be proactive and ask the Senate to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA).
Here is the form letter to send or alter to your Senator.
“Dear Senator,
Today, moms and kids from across the country will be gathering at the U.S. Capitol to deliver one single message: We know our Senators can be super heroes and protect America’s children & families from toxic chemicals.
I can’t be there in person today, but I’m there in spirit. Please move quickly to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA) by supporting the Safe Chemicals Act.
A growing body of science has documented widespread human exposures to toxic chemicals in everyday products, and has linked those exposures to the rising incidences of a number of serious chronic diseases and disorders, including reduced fertility, learning disabilities, breast and prostate cancer, and certain childhood cancers.
This is unacceptable. The time has come to give the EPA enough authority to require that chemicals be tested for safety before they are put into the products we use every day. Updating the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA) is critical. The current TSCA law is widely acknowledged to be ineffective.
Please take action now to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA) by co-sponsoring the Safe Chemicals Act in order to provide vigorous oversight of chemical use and to ensure all products, including children’s products, are safer. I urge you to support this effort to lead us into a new era of safer chemicals and healthy families.
Thank you for using your superpowers wisely!”