Tum e Time Part 2!!!

Announcing – Tum e Time Part 2!


While Tum e Time Part 1 is about getting to know your baby in a cozy, quieter kind of way, Tum e Time Part 2 is about engaging with your baby in a more active way. These little ones don’t want to be still, they want to move!

In Part 2, we cover a variety of topics to meet babies new developmental needs, we will challenge baby and we will explore together as you learn more creative ways to play with your baby. You will help your baby progress in all the new skills that are emerging and prepare for the future ones.

Your baby changes so fast, keep up by coming to Tum e Time Part 2. Designed to meet the needs of your growing baby.

Oakland Mom2Mom New Mom Support Group

Oakland Mom2Mom New Mom Support group

Oct. 24th-Dec.12th, 6 Tuesdays from 10-12pm (no meeting on Halloween
Tuesday or Nov 21st Tuesday of Thanksgiving Week)
6 Week Session, Tuesdays 10-12pm
Location: 3030 Ashby Avenue, Suite 107, Berkeley, CA 94705 (just above Claremont)
Fee: $200
Facilitator: Natashia Fuksman, MFT

Great group for moms (1st and 2nd time) & babies focused on the joys, challenges & humorous moments of this rite of passage. It is a 6 week facilitated group which focuses on helping new moms build a community and meet other moms with babies with similar ages.  There is something about going through a shared experience, while recognizing that each mom’s experience is unique, that leads to great connection and support.

The 6 week facilitated portion is a weekly 2 hour meeting where moms share their experiences, questions, concerns, and get tips on all sorts of topics.  My focus is on nonjudgemental support and building connection between the moms, since this can be an overwhelming and isolating time for many moms.  I also provide psycho-education (as wanted) on different topics including infant development, sleep/feeding questions, changes in relationships and family dynamics, transition to motherhood, feelings re: going back to work or not, postpartum health, and identity as a mom.  The group offers lots of support and perspective that can be especially helpful after some sleepless nights!

In addition, we help organize a second meeting during the week for a social outing where moms get together to go for walks or cafe visits, etc. Our last groups have offered free talks with q&a time with a Sleep Consultant and/or  Lactation Consultant. This option is available and arranged on a group to group basis based on the group’s desires. This group will be facilitated by Natashia Fuksman, MFT.

New Moms Support Group Mom2Mom Oakland

Oakland Mom2Mom New Mom Support Group (for 1st and 2nd time Moms)

June 6th-July 18th, 6 Tuesdays (no session week of July 4th) from 10-12pm

Facilitator: Natashia Fuksman, LMFT

Contact info: natashiamft@gmail.com or 415.326.4033

To register: http://www.natashiamft.com/event/oakland-mom2mom-new-mom-

Great group for moms (1st and 2nd time) & babies focused on the joys,
challenges & humorous moments of this rite of passage. It is a 6 week
facilitated group which focuses on helping new moms build a community and
meet other moms with babies with similar ages. There is something about
going through a shared experience, while recognizing that each mom’s
experience is unique, that leads to great connection and support.

The 6 week facilitated portion is a weekly 2 hour meeting where moms share
their experiences, questions, concerns, and get tips on all sorts of
topics. We focus on nonjudgemental support and building connection between
the moms, since this can be an overwhelming and isolating time for many
moms. We also provide psycho-education (as wanted) on different topics
including infant development, sleep/feeding questions, changes in
relationships and family dynamics, transition to motherhood, feelings re:
going back to work or not, postpartum health, and identity as a mom. The
group offers lots of supportand perspective that can be especially helpful
after some sleepless nights!

In addition, we help organize a second meeting during the week for a social
outing where moms get together to go for walks or cafe visits, etc. Our
last groups have offered free talks with q&a time with a Sleep Consultant
and/or Lactation Consultant. This option is available and arranged on a
group to group basis based on the group’s desires.

Guided Meditation and Slow Conversation for Mothers

Living Room for Mothers: Guided Meditation and Slow Conversation

  • Are you craving some time and space for yourself to just be in a quiet space, with no other responsibilities?
  • Do you want to slow down with a group of other mothers of varying ages and stages?
  • Are you interested in building community that is reflective and nonjudgmental with other women?

Carve time to be with yourself. Share & witness with mothers of all ages and stages in reflecting on: motherhood, relationships, work, family, identity, transitions and more.

Join Moms in Community for:

  • 25 min guided meditation (no prior experience necessary)
  • 1 hour of tea and slow conversation
  • We end with a shorter quiet meditation

When: Third Fridays 4-6pm: 6/16, 7/21, 8/04, 9/15

please note: August’s session will be held on the first Friday, not the third

Where: 3030 Ashby Avenue, Suite 107, Berkeley, 94705

Fee: Suggested Donation $15-25

Facilitator: Natashia Fuksman, LMFT

Acetaminophen Research

Acetaminophen Research

There is new research regarding the usage of acetaminophen (Tylenol) in infants/children by a team of scientists from Harvard University and Duke University.

Please print this out, share it with friends and discuss with your Doctor, nurses, etc, especially if they are recommending it for infant/child pain. It is important that everyone know that pediatric Tylenol, according to this research, is not safe for the developing brain and may be implicated in the autism epidemic.

To read the research, go here:
