Upcoming Educational Events
The Nourished Child: Health & Wellness Lecture Series with Broth Bar!
We’re excited to present this eight-hour lecture series focused on supporting children’s health and wellness. Speakers will include doctors, alternative health care practitioners and parents.
Classes are sliding scale $10-20 at the door. No pre-registration is required. To pre-pay for $15 visit our menu.

Broth Bar: Doors will open 20 minutes prior to
the event to purchase hot TSH broth with an array of condiments. Cash only please.
Pediatric Health, Dr. Tom Cowan
Sunday, Oct. 13, 4:30-6pm
Food Sensitivities in Children, Julie Matthews
Saturday, Oct. 19, 4:30-6pm
Nutrient Dense Kids: A Moms Panel Discussion, moderated by Jessica Prentice
Monday, Oct. 21, 7-8:30pm
Parent as Healer: Herbal Medicine for the Next Generation, Frieda Kipar Bay of Taproot Medicine
Sunday Oct. 27, 4:30-6pm