Mom2Mom Oakland group starting 11/18

Looking for a Mom’s Group in Oakland? Oakland Mom2Mom’s Group Nov/Dec meets in Rockridge starting 11/18.

Great new group for moms & babies focused on joys, challenges & humorous moments of this rite of passage. Facilitated by Natashia Fuksman, M.A. The group offerscommunity, support & useful parenting tips. 6 Tuesdays, 10:30am-12:30pm, starting11/18. ($190)

More info at:

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Let’s Talk About Cognition

Babies are listening to every word you speak and even the words you don’t as they can pick up on your range of emotions by 6 months.

Being aware of cognition and how babies learn is an important part of parenting. Remember to include your baby throughout your day by talking about what you are doing, singing, reading and spending time face-to-face so your baby can pick up your facial cues, see how your mouth moves and hear your words clearly. All these activities help build strong communication and language skills as well as developing and strengthening your relationship, a skill that is the foundation for all relationships to come.

Here is a short article that provides an overview on cognitive development in babies.