How Does Exposure to Family Problems Affect Brain Development?

The more we know about brain development, the more we can focus on educating families. Much research has been done around severe childhood trauma and brain development, but this research is focused more on “mild to moderate family difficulties.”

Toxic chemicals and development

I was a program coordinator for an early intervention center for many years. During this time, I couldn’t help but question the environmental factors as we watched our autism enrollment rise. Families questioned it as well, especially those who lived near the refinery.

Then I began to look around in the classrooms. We were using pretty heavy duty cleansers to clean the floors where babies crawled and tables where toddlers ate, even outside where the children played.

The playground is what really shocked me. I remember looking out to the yard and seeing a few people clad in full white suits spraying around the playground while the children played nearby. When I questioned it, I was told it was pesticide to keep pests away. Pests? We are spraying toxic pesticides in areas where kids roll around, pick weeds and build sand castles. Many of the children had medical concerns. The only response I got was to switch the company’s time to when the children and families were not present, so they wouldn’t see. And the other suggestions about more gentle cleansers? I was always amazed at the range of excuses, licensing this, bought it in bulk that, but it never changed while I was working there.

Things we do can make a difference. This article briefly talks about many chemicals that have found their way into our products and water system, but with some knowledge (and some protesting) perhaps we can help prevent future diagnosis and keep our little ones healthier.

Looking for a little help?

Simona Fino may be that support person you need in the SF Bay Area.

Here is what she says she can offer,

Direct support includes:

  • Caring for Baby: Cooking for and feeding baby; practicing infant potty training; bathing/nail care; providing age appropriate games/songs; cooking/exploring the kitchen; nature walks/garden time
  • Household Support: Housekeeping including dishes, laundry, sweeping, and tidying up
  • Wholesome meal preparation for baby and family
  • Herbal Preparations for baby and family to support and help with things such as teething, colds/flu, earaches/infections, nightmares/sleep disturbances, and stress
  • Organic gardening: Help with planting, weeding, watering, and harvesting; I can help you get that veggie/herb patch going you always wanted!”

More information on her website.

This needs our attention, now!

Please go to this link at the Pesticide Action Network and ask California  below and help urge “California’s leaders to get kid-harming pesticides off the table. The science is very clear: children’s developing brains and nervous systems can be harmed by exposure to certain pesticides — even at the very low levels commonly found on food. The insecticide chlorpyrifos is one such chemical, and its use is now under review in California.

Please add your name to the petition below urging the Department of Pesticide Regulation to take swift action on chlorpyrifos to protect children in California and nationwide” (taken from the PAN website).

It only takes a minute and could improve our children’s lives greatly!