East Bay Vaccination Panel

Although different every time, the panels usually include lively discussion with various experts from a range of backgrounds and beliefs. The experience is designed to help parents make informed decisions about the benefits of and alternatives to childhood immunizations. The event is open to the public and a donation of $5-$15 is requested.  No family turned away for lack of funds.

Upcoming Panel:

Saturday, March 15th 1:00-4:00pm
Finnish Hall in Berkeley
1970 Chestnut St.

Mixing up baby food!

Wondering what to do for first foods or just wanting new recipe ideas for the family? Introducing Virgina Watkins.

UPCOMING CLASSES by Virginia Watkins

1.  Introducing Solids and Raising a Healthy Eater

Cost: $40, Email: virginia@vwnutrition.com to sign up.


Awaken Chiropractic, 3515 Grand Ave., Oakland

Wed., March 19 10:30-12

and at

Birthways,1600 Shattuck Ave, ste 122, Berkeley

Tuesday, March 25, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.


2.  Making Homemade Baby Food

Cost: $45, Email: virginia@vwnutrition.com to sign up.


Awaken Chiropractic, 3515 Grand Ave., Oakland

Wed., April 2 10:30-12

and at

Birthways,1600 Shattuck Ave, ste 122, Berkeley

Tuesday, March 10 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.


Private Classes
I offer private classes on a variety of topics, including one titled, “Feeding Your Preschooler: A Guide to Good Nutrition and Raising a Healthy Eater.” Please contact me if your preschool, co-op or parent group would like to schedule.

For more information about VW Nutrition visit www.vwnutrition.com or email her at virginia@vwnutrition.com


What does a sensory processing issue look like in infants?

Here is a family’s story of having a baby with sensory processing issues. Awareness of the sensory system is finally being acknowledged and early intervention is the key to helping your little one.

If you are concerned about how your baby receives hugs, reacts in crowds or loud places (fireworks, parades, music), avoids eye contact, recoils to textures (like sand boxes and grass) you may want to look into the sensory system. A Pediatric Occupational Therapist can assess your baby and provide valuable information and ideas or therapy if necessary.


Talk And Read To Baby!

The research has been strong for a LONG time now, so much so, I’m not even sure why researchers continue to need to prove it. Talking and reading to babies from day one (maybe even conception!) will boost their vocabulary and communication skills and most likely improve the parent child relationship.

As babies grow in your language filled family, they get their needs met. They are less frustrated. Therefore, there are more positive interactions with your little one and less negative. Imagine a clearer form of communicating, imagine less tantrums, imagine being able to express feelings to each other, imagine a life of respect and trust in listening to what you each have to say.

It all starts with your newborn.

Read about the newest research here in a Guardian article.

Awe, thanks for the feedback.

I appreciate when families take the time to let me know about their experience in the Tum e Time class. All feedback is valuable, and the class has grown and changed over the past 15 years thanks to families suggestions along the way.

Here are some of the comments I’ve received recently:

~ “I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your class, as I think did J., and felt it was great value for money. I loved the educational aspect and the fact that every week I learned something that I was excited to put into practice once I got home. The last class was particularly helpful (and quite honestly inspiring).”

~ “Thanks again for the wonderful class. Gives me lots to think about and remember.”

~ “Just a quick note to thank you so much for our wonderful class! We all got so much out of it, and I really enjoyed not just the information and ideas but your friendly, relaxed way of presenting everything.”

~ “W. and I had a brilliant time. I’ve been reading your blog, which is a fantastic way to stay connected to all the ideas you shared and is great material for Daddy.”


Thank you all for attending! I can’t wait to connect with new families each month, please let me know if you have any questions about the class.