Playfully app

Playfully App

Everyone needs new activities for their growing baby. You can take a class, get ideas from a friend, read a book, or have them arrive on your device, no effort necessary. Playfully offers an easy way to pass the time by spoon feeding you tons of ideas for children 0-3 years of age.

Sign up and have access to personalized play, learn about upcoming milestones to watch for and see how far baby has come with the timeline that saves all those precious moments, so you have a history of those important first’s.

Oh, and you’ll see me and my videos on their classes page!

“Playfully is an app designed to help busy parents spend more meaningful moments nurturing their children.”



Fathers Workshop

Nova Institute

Fathering Today – 2020  

Fatherhood is changing. It is being remade by those who love to spend time with their children.

Whatever we give our heart to will reshape us. But we should determine what that change will look like. This is the spiritual work of fathering. How to do this is the question we will consider.

Saturday, May 2nd and Sunday, May 3rd

Come join us in the beautiful foothills of the Sierra for a weekend workshop devoted to this topic with conversation, reflection, hands-on participation (whittling), and more.


Stan Padilla is a Native American artist, educator, and cultural mentor. He is a father, grandfather, great grandfather, and mentor to a large youth community.

Jack Petrash has facilitated fathers’ groups in both the US and Canada for more than twenty-five years and is the author of Covering Home: Lessons on the Art of Fathering.


White Feather Ranch
5595 White Feather Way
Placerville, CA

Registration: $100 – includes meals and camping (Scholarships are available).


p.s. I don’t know anything about this other than I saw it listed on one of my networking groups but please let me know if you have more information.

Berkeley New Parents Group

Berkeley New Parents Group starting.

Now that BirthWays no longer has a brick and mortar space, Stacia Biltekoff is offering her fabulous support groups at the JCC East Bay. This is not a Jewish group, the JCC is just the venue.

The 6 week facilitated group is open to parents of all genders and their babies (0-4 months old).  It takes place Tuesdays from 10:30-12:00 and runs from August 27th to October 8th, 2019 (skipping 10/1 as the JCC is closed that day)

 Each group starts with a check in and then goes with the topics that arise from the group. Stacia encourages all of the parents to speak from their hearts and their minds and encourages peer support as well as offering psycho-education when appropriate.

Stacia also facilitates the parents to meet outside of group time as well to ensure that community is formed.

For more info and to sign up go to:

Summer Concerts

Family Friendly Bay Area Summer Festivals

Looks like summer is here…FINALLY!

Music is always one of my favorite topics when I talk about little ones. When I saw this Red Tricycle write up on the best kid friendly summer concerts, I had to share. Grab a picnic and go lounge, dance, rock with your family.



Parent Support Group Berkeley

Not Just For Moms Parent Support Group

Stacia Biltekoff’s will be offering her support groups at the JCC East Bay. (This is not a Jewish group, the JCC is just the venue.)

The 6 week facilitated group is open to parents of all genders and their babies (0-4 months old). It takes place Tuesdays from 2:00-3:30 and runs from January 22nd to February 26th, 2019.

Each group starts with a check in and then go with the topics that arise from the group. Everything from green poop (is that normal??) to the shifting relationships we have with ourselves, our parents, our partners, our friends and our careers gets discussed.

Stacia facilitates the parents to meet outside of group time as well to ensure that community is formed.

Many past groups are still getting together years later!

For more info and to sign up go to: