A Birthing Center in the East Bay? YES!

Tis the season of giving.  Here is a wonderful giving opportunity and a way to support midwifery care and birth in a safe and home-like environment for all women and families in the Bay Area regardless of ability to pay.

Pacifica Family Maternity Center, opening soon in Berkeley, will be the only free standing birth center in the Bay Area that accepts MediCal.  This is important in so many ways; from minimizing birth interventions to empowering families to supporting bonding and infant development and much more.
Please consider supporting Pacifica Family Maternity Center this holiday season.  They just launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise money to enable the opening of the center through buying homey furnishings and supplies need for the births.  Please click on this link to make a tax deductible contribution. http://igg.me/p/249961?a=1595052.  They have many amazing perks including vacation getaways, massages, other healing arts sessions and more.


Giving early in the campaign is important in increasing visibility and spreading the word, so act now.
We also need your help spreading the word.  Please post the link on your Facebook page, email it to your friends and family, tweet it and share in any way possible.