Three Mothers, Three Perspectives: Healing & Recovery After Neonatal Loss

This is from BirthWays in Berkeley:

“We would like to invite you to a very special BirthWays event…

Three Mothers, Three Perspectives:
Healing & Recovery after Neonatal Loss

at BirthWays on Sunday 9/29, 3:00-5:00 PM
1600 Shattuck Ave, #122 Berkeley, CA


Please join us for a panel discussion on a much needed topic in our community, followed by a Q&A session with the presenters.


Monica Wesolowska, a local author, will present on writing and grief and will offer a reading from her recently published work, Holding Silvan: A Brief Life.

Ellen Levitt, LM, a licensed home birth midwife, will discuss loss in labor: The Physiology of Recovery.

Dr. Donna Rothert, licensed psychologist, will speak on the thoughts and feelings often experienced after a perinatal loss, as well as what types of support and processing can assist with healing.

We request that you pre-register for the event

Sliding scale $15-$50. Refreshments provided.”